EarthFresh reunites at the 2022 Canadian Produce Marketing Association Convention

To celebrate its first reunion in almost 3 years, the EarthFresh team rolled out its vintage Airstream to the tradeshow floor of the 2022 CPMA Convention and Trade Show in Montreal. EarthFresh’s “Springtime Skies and French Fries” booth theme was all about creating an inviting space to make meaningful connections within the industry. There was […]

It’s grillin’ time!

It’s the time of year to pull out your BBQ and start making one of our favourite and fun summer side dishes: BBQ potatoes. Potatoes are a delicious summer cookout option as there are so many ways to cook them on the BBQ. Most stick to the classic foil BBQ method, but there are plenty of ways […]

Half your plate with this powerhouse meal!

As the weather continues to get warmer and gardens start to produce fruits and vegetables, you may feel more motivated to find and try new healthy recipes. Fruits and vegetables are not only delicious but super important for your health, so why not put a variety of these great tasting powerfoods into a bowl? Buddha […]